Author Archives: kaysee0701

Gluten Intolerances can cause depression

Simple symptoms of depression are; irritability, fatigue, sleep disturbances, lack of energy, no appetite, anger, impatience, and moodiness. Depression is caused by intestinal damage, nutrients missing necessary for production or essential brain chemicals. It is much more common for women to have depression than men. Mostly because they are worried about their body image, they are more social than men and worry about talking to others more, and they worry about dining outside the home. About 1/3 of people that are gluten intolerant have depression.

Anxiety Disorders?

Recent studies have shown that gluten intolerance is a large contributor to people having anxiety problems. Gluten breaks down your body’s ability to manage stress and makes you overly sensitive to issues in your life. Problems that fall under anxiety are; general anxiety (uncontrollable fear and worry), OCD, panic disorder, social phobia, or other specific phobias. Symptoms include; more than normal worry or nervousness, ritualistic behavior, uneasiness or fear, sleeping troubles, inability to relax, shortness of breath, nausea, muscle tension and dizziness.

The Difference Between a Gluten Intolerance and a Gluten Allergy

It is quite difficult to tell the difference between a gluten intolerance and a gluten allergy, people get them mixed up all the time. A gluten allergy is usually more immediate and has a reaction associated with it, while an intolerance is slower and harder to examine. In an intolerance, the stuff builds up in your system and you can’t digest it. When people have an intolerance to gluten, most of the time they don’t even know it. An allergy usually causes problems like hives or swelling and can sometimes be life threatening.

Finding Information about going Gluten Free

There was just a gluten free/allergy free convention in Plano at the Plano center. The next convention is in Dallas on Nov 15 + 16, 2014 at Dallas Market Center. Market Street offers classes on living gluten free at their Allen and Frisco locations. In Allen the class is Nov 1st at noon and in Frisco it is November 4th at 4pm. Another way to find more information is the website and they have a free app for iphones and androids.

Gluten Free Halloween Candy

Tomorrow is Halloween and it is very hard to stay away from items containing gluten, especially on Halloween. The other day I received an email that has a list of some gluten free candy so even if you have a gluten intolerance you can still enjoy in the celebration. Happy Halloween!! (:

Here is the list of gluten free candy: M and Ms, Fruit Roll Ups, Jolly Ranchers, Mr. Goodbar, Pez Candy, Dum Dum Lollipops, Starburst Fruit Chews, Swedish Fish, Sour Patch Kids and Watermelon, Warheads, Haribo Gummy Bears, Gimbal Jelly Beans, Rolos, Snickers, Dove Chocolate, Baby Ruth, Butterfingers Bar, Goobers, Laffy Taffy, 3 Musketeers, Tootsie Rolls, Smarties, Almond Joy, Hershey’s Kisses, Mike and Ikes, Starburst, and York Peppermint Patties.

“Serve to Win”

My family and I have been reading a book about gluten intolerances called “Serve to Win.” It is about a tennis player that had health problems like asthma and he would collapse on the court. His doctors and trainers just said he had asthma, and the other players made fun of him because they thought he was faking it or cracking under the pressure. A doctor who watched one of the matches when he collapsed said he had a gluten intolerance. The news surprised him but he decided that it would be worth it to try the doctors advice. He got off gluten and followed the doctors advice on how to eat and he recovered and now he is one of the best tennis players in the world.

Gluten Intolerance Test

Hi I’m Kaysee Rosengartner and I will be blogging about gluten free diets. Recently, more people are figuring out that they are gluten intolerant. Some symptoms of gluten intolerance include inability to sleep, asthma like breathing problems, a lack of energy, and constant tiredness. There is an easy way to check to see if you are intolerant to gluten. The first step is to put your left hand on your stomach and extend your right arm out straight in line with your shoulders. Then have somebody push down on your right arm and try to hold it up. After you have noticed the difficulty, repeat the process but with a slice of bread on your stomach held in place by your left hand. If you notice more difficulty, then you have an intolerance to gluten.